February Parenting Horoscopes

Your #1 Resource for Planet-Informed Parenting


Aries: Your wild child has been acting a little, well, feral lately. Not to worry, this stir-crazy behavior is just them ramping up for their birthday season. Even as kids, Aries can go into overdrive when they sense a milestone coming up. Help them manage that energy by involving them in planning their best birthday party yet!  

Taurus: Taurus children have a very particular way of socializing. They may come across as shy at first, but that’s just because they spend lots of time in their vast and imaginative internal world. Help your kid make friends easily by expanding their dress-up wardrobe. Playing pretend with their new pals will allow them to fully embrace their natural creativity and leadership abilities.

Gemini: Make no mistake, your rambunctious tyke is more hype than usual! That’s because Mars, the planet of action, is in Gemini until mid-March. Until then, make it easy on yourself and sign them up for a spring sport or group activity. Soccer would be an especially good fit, as quick, adaptable Geminis make for excellent goalies!

Cancer: We can all go a little nuts during the tail-end of winter, and water babies are no exception. Though typically a bit reserved in public, your Cancer is absolutely ruling the roost! Though it’s strange to parent a child with a predilection for mothering, our advice is to lean in. Get them involved with household tasks, like cooking, cleaning, and gardening!

Leo: Congratulations. If you’re reading this, that means you’ve recently survived the full moon in Leo. Your little lion kid undoubtedly put on some kind of performance, and hopefully you supported them with a standing ovation. Just remember, this is one show that never stops. To make it easier on everyone next time, consider encouraging a few more rehearsals

Virgo: With school back in full swing, your kid is absolutely nailing it. Though they may not be quite as showy as some other signs (see above), they still appreciate when their efforts are recognized. Even though they seem completely self-sufficient, continue staying involved during homework time. You may even learn a thing or two! 

Libra: Your social Libra is feeling a little bogged down right now. And who could blame them? The freshness of the new semester has worn off, and their routines have been firmly established. Libras thrive on novelty, so to help stave off the staleness, plan an incredible playdate with their best friend, taking them to a stimulating location like a museum or gymnastics course. 

Scorpio: Perhaps more than any other sign, Scorpios hate being put in a box. Though it may be tempting to see your kid thrive on the baseball field and put them fully on the “sporty” life path, proceed with caution! Scorpios contain multitudes, which will only be revealed with time. Continue to encourage a diverse array of hobbies and interests, and prepare to be surprised!

Sagittarius: Sagittarius kids are very self-driven and motivated, so your hands-off approach to parenting has been spot-on, so far. But this month, you may want to get a little more involved! They’ve been go-go-go since school started up, and without intervention they may be due for a little energy crash. Encourage relaxation time every evening so that they don’t burn out by spring.

Capricorn: Your little Capricorn is spending a lot of time alone in their room lately, but don’t fret. They’re working on something big right now, and they need the space and privacy to develop it. When the time is right, they’ll reveal their brilliant project. Just keep an ear out for explosion sounds! 

Aquarius: It’s birthday season for Aquarius kids, and yours has been basking in the limelight! Even though their actual b-day may have passed, keep treating them through February 19th, when the Sun officially moves into Pisces. Your kid doesn’t ask for attention often, but it’s still important to show them how special you know they are. 

Pisces: On February 19th the Sun moves into Pisces. With a new moon in the sign as well, we’ll all be feeling it double! Though emotions may be high, creativity will be even higher. Your Pisces is already the master of these realms, so defer to them for answers and guidance– especially when it comes to party planning!

More on Ragamuffin's Parenting Horoscopes

The last two decades have seen an unprecedented rise in conscious parenting. New approaches like Montessori, gentle parenting, and slow parenting have arisen as alternative options to the authoritarian style of yore. Additionally, the Internet has made it easier to share resources and learn from those who have “gone through it” before us. Of course, raising a child isn’t a one-size-fits-all deal. Most parents will tell you that their own approach includes a little of this, a little of that, and above all else adjustments for their particular kid’s needs. Enter: astrology. 

While plenty of articles explain your own parenting style according to the zodiac, there’s currently very little on how to adapt that to your child’s individual needs. That’s why Ragamuffin is now offering monthly Parenting Horoscopes. By cross-referencing resources like Astrology Zone’s Susan Miller, the Astro Poets, and NASA’s Solar System Tracker, we’ll suggest planet-informed parenting tips adapted to each sign of the zodiac. 

Remember, these signs are written with your child’s sign in mind. That said, feel free to read the entry for your own astrological sign and report the findings back to grandma. Whether you truly believe the stars have a say in our fate, or you’re just reading for fun, we hope you’ll get some good insights on how to raise individual humans of every disposition. 

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